Saturday, 1 November 2014


Source of Article:

If you do give vitamins to your kids, follow these tips:
  1. Put vitamins away, well out of reach of children, so they don't treat them like candy.
  2. Try not to battle over foods with your kids or use desserts as a bribe to "clean your plate." Instead, try giving a chewable vitamin as a "treat" at the end of a meal. Fat-soluble vitamins can only be absorbed with food.
  3. If your child is taking any medication, be sure to ask your child's doctor about any drug interactions with certain vitamins or minerals. Then the supplement won't boost or lower the medication dose.
  4. Try a chewable vitamin if your child won't take a pill or liquid supplement.
  5. Consider waiting until a child reaches age 4 to start giving a multivitamin supplement, unless your child's doctor suggests otherwise.
Sound nutrition plays a role in your child's learning and development. So, rather than relying on cartoon characters selling supplements, commit to feeding a range of healthy foods to your kids.

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